If you’re planning on investing in a special hand-crafted power piece that has special meaning for you, I invite you to consider also having a dedication ceremony to activate and imbue your personal piece with your prayer and intent. Taking the time to feel in to and begin to access and articulate the deeper visions for your life and where you are in your growth journey can be profoundly moving and accelerating. I highly recommend it.
Of course you can create your own dedication ceremony; alone or with persons that are near and dear. You can do it at home in front of your spiritual altar or in your favorite inspirational place in Nature. Prayer and simple ritual may come completely natural for you. Maybe you feel very clear about what qualities you are wanting to bring in to your life and what your soul needs to manifest that. And I say, YES, keep making it conscious and making it magic!
However, if you are like most people, it feels really helpful to have a guide or facilitator who is really connected in your process. Someone who is experienced in guiding your inner inquiry right from the beginning of your jewelry creation process, and who can support your vision and prayer through not only the masterful crafting of the piece itself, but all the way to facilitating your own unique dedication ceremony.
I would be honored to help you create these experiences and gateways of possibility. Please talk to me about a personalized dedication ceremony for your art jewelry for your new or existing pieces. Whether its a custom necklace, earrings, pendant, ring or bracelet, wearing jewelry that’s been prayed over with power and intent is an awesome feeling that can change your life. And I love to be of service in this way.