The Chakras are wheels of energy which align and empower our physical well-being.
If one or more of the Chakras are blocked or out of balance, this will affect the body’s ability to fight diseases and may inhibit spiritual enlightenment.
The Chakras are linked by an invisible but powerful life force called Prana.
Prana is often thought of as a swirling wheel of energy emanating within and throughout the body.
There are seven Chakras in total beginning at the base of the spine and moving up to the crown of the head.
The physical chakras

The power of the seven Chakras
The root chakra, Muladhara, is responsible for your sense of safety and security. It is located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor and the first three vertebrae. The word, “Muladhara” comes from two Sanskrit words, “Mula” meaning ‘root’, and “Adhara”, meaning ‘support’.
Svadhisthana is the second chakra and is located above the pubic bone and below the navel. It is the creativity and sexual chakra and can be translated to mean “the dwelling place of the self”.
The third chakra is called Manipura. It is located around the upper navel around the area of the solar plexus and up to the breastbone. Its name means, “lustrous gem” and it is the source of power, self-esteem, and the energy of the warrior and the power of transformation. It also control digestion and metabolism.
The centre of the seven chakras is the Anahata Chakra having three below and three above. It is also referred to as the heart chakra and is the point where the physical and the spiritual meet. It means “unstruck” or “unhurt” and it rules the centre of the chest, the heart, cardiac plexus, thymus gland, lungs and breasts.
The spiritual chakras
The fifth chakra is known as Vishuddha and is the first of the three spiritual chakras and covers the throat, thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue and larynx. It aligned to speech, listening and the ability to express oneself intellectually.
Ajna is the sixth chakra and is in the area of the third eye sitting between the eyebrows. It governs the pituitary glands, eyes, head and the lower part of the brain. It is the centre of intuition and very powerful. An open sixth chakra can build the powers of clairvoyance, telepathy, dreaming, imagination and visualization.
The seventh chakra is Sahaswara. It is often called the thousand-petal lotus chakra and it is located at the crown of the head. Sahaswara is the source of enlightenment and spiritual connection, not only to ourselves, but every being on the planet and the divine energy that creates the universe.