Feathers are used in jewelry designs to evoke a sense of flight and freedom.
Wearing feathers gives us a greater perspective on life. We are able to soar above the daily grind and see more clearly from an objective view.
Feathers help us move beyond our boundaries and limitations.
They remind us that we are not stuck in the daily grind of our lives.
They symbolize values such as truth, speed and vivacity.
Wearing feathers will help your being become more animated, lively and energetic.
We are free spirits that have the power to great moments where we are uplifted out of our mundane lives and become more spiritual.
Feathers help us find peace.

Wear feathers to evoke a sense of freedom and wisdom
When you come across a fallen feather lying in the path in front of you, consider that it might be sign.
It could come from a guide, an angel or a lost loved one.
It is a sign they are thinking of you and are holding you in their thoughts.
Feathers are considered a sacred symbol in Native American cultures.
They are worn by tribal chiefs in headdresses and on their bodies to show their connection to the great spirits, their wisdom and aptitude as sage leaders.
The thunder gods are represented by feathers, signifying the power of the air and the wind.
The Pueblo Indians of the southwest honor the “feathered sun”. This deity is the center of the cosmos and all existence.
When a feather is given to an individual by their elders it is considered a great honor. The feather represents trust, strength, honor, wisdom and freedom.
Feathers have been part of tribal rituals for thousands of years in all ancient cultures.
The magnificence of the bird in flight has captured the imagination of us all.
Feathers remind us of the ties that bind us to this earthly plane.
By using silver feathers in my pieces the wearer is able to reconnect back to the regenerative and stabilizing powers of the feminine spirit.