Blue Apatite can be worn for enhancing mental clarity and stimulating the intellect
Are you wanting to more deeply understand the amazing powers of Blue Apatite? Of course, I highly recommend spending some time yourself with this beautiful blue gift from the earth. Its powerful to meditate with, asking what medicine this stone has for you…
In general, transparent and opaque stones with this depth of pure blue will always help in clearing the throat chakra, but Apatite proves helpful in refining overall in cleansing and refining the emotional and subtle energy bodies. And to assist in your inner work…this remarkable blue crystal will help you see and become in acceptance with your inner shadow more clearly, thus assisting in the freeing up and transmutation of your blockages, harmful beliefs, self-judgement and procrastination.
Its awesome for sustaining creativity and maintaining balance. And is considered one of the best minerals for enhancing intellectual functioning, and increasing realizations; those mental and spiritual AHA! moments where things just seem to come into greater alignment and life feels on course.

Apatite’s astrological sign is Gemini.
I think you can really go deep with this very special gemstone by either wearing it in jewelry or enjoying it as a meditation tool or even as a gem elixir. The first time I ever encountered Blue Apatite, I sensed immediately it was a deep medicine stone and created a simple amulet with a single crystal to wear on y medicine pouch. Ever since then, I’ve been celebrating and communing with this unique mineral consciousness. Tell me what you have discovered through your personal experience by contacting me directly!

rough apatite crystal