The Star Ruby is a stunning gemstone that is more powerful than the ruby itself.

Its power emanates from the power of the full moon, thought to be captured in the crystals deep within the stone.

Look closely and you will see these crystals exploding from the inner most core of the heart of the ruby bringing joy and positive energy.

The magic of the Star Ruby

The Star Ruby is certainly a magical gemstone to wear in a piece of handcrafted jewelry.

It draws the power of the full moon and is referred to as the Light of the Soul.

When one wears it close, it helps to increase one’s internal powers and strengthens against negative energy and harm.

For this reason, the Star Ruby aids those suffering from trauma, in particular, self-harm and self-neglect.

It can also aid with reducing feelings of anger associated with these types of traumas.

Like all rubies, the Star Ruby has the power to overcome excessive tiredness.

It increases the metabolism and circulation around the body.

Needless to say, its red colors are strongly associated with love and passion.



The spiritual benefits of the Star Ruby

Psychic healers will use the Star Ruby to assist them due to its high frequency energy.

It is a stone of protection, aiding those plagued with nightmares and psychic attacks.

The ruby is associated with the Base Chakra or the first one.

It stimulates the flow of chi through the body from the base of the spine up.

It also helps energize and free the power of Kundalini.

This aids those who wear the Star Ruby to have a great feeling of movement.

They become freer and have greater balance.

If you feel you wish to strengthen the first Chakra wear a Star Ruby set in handcrafted silver each day and you’ll probably notice a positive change.