Creative block can be painful and discouraging…
In my line of work, great creative ideas are like GOLD, and lack inspiration has the potential to create anxiety, guilt and malaise. Do you have production timelines that you know require the writing of good copy, creating finished art works, or generating creative solutions for clients? This is the stuff of authentic inspiration and/or your own particular brand of creative genius, right?
Nowadays, as a working mom and self-employed artist, I have my work-time very scheduled out and there’s never enough of it. I have to balance time with my family with making just enough time to keep my all-original custom jewelry business in Santa Cruz, CA alive and well. Of course, when I’m creatively on fire, I am AMAZINGLY productive in my studio and writing. Ideas flow. Procrastination isn’t an issue because the content and the clear guidance and next step is right there, waiting for me to take it. I can just chug along with out the need for mountains of will power.
However, there are times when the well feels like its just run dry. I don’t have ideas that excite and motivate me. Im just not feeling that “YES!” that propels me into action. There’s a handful of simple things to do to court your inner muse and get back into your creative flow.
#1. Take care of past business if it’s distracting your attention.
#2. Journal of talk to a friend you admire about how and why you’re feeling stuck.
#3. Do something for yourself that fills your creative well. (enjoy a concert, see an inspiring speaker, take a walk in Nature)
#4. Continue to ask yourself: “If I really loved myself, what would I do next?”
#5. Make notes throughout your day of ideas that come to mind and refer back when inspiration is needed.