“Look into my crystal ball…”
We’ve all heard that line repeated on television shows and movies throughout our lives.
However, not many of us realise how old the practise of using a ball or sphere crystals to move energy through time is.
The ability to “see” into the future is called scrying and its practise can be traced back hundreds of years.
Since Medieval times, scrying has been used by gypsies and fortune tellers.
The word ‘scrying’ comes from Old English and means to ‘make out dimly’ or to ‘reveal’. It is linked to the word ‘descry’ and when our modern word, ‘describe’.

Sphere crystals and scrying
The power lies in the ball shape
The sphere, although man-made, is said to radiate the energy and the wisdom of the crystal in all directions.
This allows someone with the gift to use it to heal, cleanse and mediate on events of the world.
The sphere, not unlike a circle or spiral, has been the universal symbol of unity and completeness.
It can increase intelligence and self-awareness connecting us to the power of Mother Nature. It can bring integrity, clarity and help unify and balance the spirit with the physical body.
How to best use a crystal ball
There is no definite right or wrong way to mediate using a crystal sphere. The art of scrying can only be honed with practise over a long period of time.
Before you begin take a few deep breaths and calm your mind.
Concentrate on a question or an issue for a few minutes.
If you see colors of blue, green or violet these are considered to be good omens.
Red, orange and yellow are bad omens and if you see the color black you must take care.
White, on the other hand, it is said means your life is going the way it should and things will get better.