In previous articles we have looked at the Chakras of Matter and the Chakras of Spirit.
The fourth chakra is sits in the middle of the first three and last three chakras.
It is associated with the heart and its name is Anahata.
Due to its physical position in between the Chakras of Matter and the Chakras of Spirit it unites and serves as a bridge between them.
As well, it services to unite our body, mind, emotions and spirit.
The fourth chakra or heart chakra is our source of love and emotional bonding.
Exercising the heart chakra
There will always be a time when someone will hurt or offend you. This is just a natural consequence of everyday life, sadly.
However, how you choose to react will help strengthen and exercise your heart chakra.

The fourth chakra guided by green emerald crystals.
If you become resentful and full of hate, your heart chakra will be closed.
If, however, you let things go with love, understanding and compassion then you are opening up your heart chakra.
If you can foster a sense of empathy for others and try to understand where they are coming from you’ll find you will find a deeper understanding and peace.
Practise joyfulness, forgiveness and be open to change and your heart chakra will open and positive energy will flow through it.
The colors and gemstones of the heart chakra
While the heart chakra is associated with love, its color is emerald green and not red as one might assume.
Green gemstones and crystals emit an energy that unblocks the heart chakra and aids in rebalancing the energy.
A dark green crystal held over the heart or worn in a handcrafted piece will help you develop a truer understanding of the needs of others and focus more on accepting others to be themselves.
You’ll feel calmer and more connected and loving towards those you hold dear and even strangers.