A Dedication Ceremony for your Angela Blessing Original Jewelry Art is a powerful way to deepen your personal intent symbolized by the jewelry and to initiate your journey onward and upward.
Intent is a valuable personal growth and manifestation tool that helps bring the experiences we are wanting to attract to ourselves and the values we have decided to prioritize have clear articulation. This clarity helps our intent serve as a daily guide in the decisions we make, how we feel about ourselves, and how we view the world and whats happening in our lives.
I can help create a container and support you to bring voice to those dreams and intentions, those prayers and honorings in such a way that you can move forward in new levels of groundedness and connection to that which is most dear, most true, and most needed for you to be more fully you.
It can be as simple as a dropped-in moment in which the piece is passed to and I witness and hold in sacredness what your jewelry piece is calling in to you, or what it means to you. Or, we can go a level deeper, and share in a more traditional Lakota Chanupa Pipe Ceremony together. Taking the time to pray together and bless this new beginning, alone or with a small group of loved ones; it is a profoundly touching experience and makes the receiving of the jewelry all the more memorable and meaningful.
Memories are magic, and your words are your wand…take the leap in to the Art of Living, ask me about creating a special dedication ceremony for you today. It would be my honor, not only to hand-craft your personal power piece, but to create a personalized dedication ceremony to activate it to the full potential.