Gemstones selected for custom jewelry creation. Carved turquoise heart, moonstone, labradorite and blue topaz.
Traditionally in old European culture, jewelry was painstakingly hand crafted and gemstones were mined and cut with labor-intensive methods that are barely comprehensible to our modern day mass-production thinking. A woman might own just one or two special pieces of heirloom jewelry or a man some engraved cufflinks, perhaps or a pin with his family crest. Maybe a husband gifted his wife with a precious necklace in their years together. But uncommon was it that pieces could simply be purchased without a second thought to the cost, just to match a certain blue sweater for example.
Handcrafted Jewelry had meaning and was valued as precious personal objects to be cherished, cared for and passed on.
The same is true for traditional Native Aboriginal culture as well. And furthermore, adornment was truly revered as sacred. Carved and beaded jewelry adornment was (and still is when created for gifts and family) imbued with wisdom medicine the living stories and totem animals of the person who was to be the steward and wearer of that piece. Perhaps pieces were created for a mother’s son who was going in to battle for Protection and Guidance. Perhaps a good leader was gifted a beautiful necklace for his or her service illustrating some of the life-stories or qualities that person possessed within the design itself. And often these person power pieces were buried with that person. Sometimes they might have been passed to heirs for safekeeping and become part of a special medicine bundle.
Again, jewelry adornment is held as sacred and personal, an art form and expression of something beautiful and imbued with love.
So, as a jewelry artist in Santa Cruz, serving the Bay Area, I specialize in creating sacred personalized jewelry art for men and woman that expresses their medicine and powerful presence in the world. Call me to learn more about creating a power piece of shamanic jewelry or heirloom jewelry with meaning for yourself or LOVED ONE today.