Kundalini is the power and the primal energy that flows through us.
It is located at the base of the spine and in Sanskrit means, “coiled one”.
The awakening of Kundalini will bring great spiritual enlightenment and power.
The Kundalini is best described as a sleeping serpent or a goddess lying at the base of the spine waiting to be awakened.
It has the power to evoke a powerful force within each of us from the essence of the feminine, or mother energy, as we grow in intelligence and wisdom.
The awakening of the Kundalini comes from deep meditation and sublime bliss.
If and when you reach this state, it is said that you will feel an electric current rush up your spine.

The awakening of Kundalini
This is the serpent uncoiling and the unleashing of the goddess within like a liquid fire and light rushing through the essential being.
While we acknowledge the source of Kundalini knowledge comes from Indian yoga practices, history tells us that it existed in other cultures just with a different name.
Its teachings can be found in ancient Egypt, amongst the Tibetan monks, in ancient Chinese literature and within the stories of the bush men of Africa.
It has been interrupted from the Bible as the “solar principle of man” and references to it can be found in the Qur’an, the works of Plato, as well as other, Greek philosophers.
Also, it can also be found in the practices of the Native American tribes.
It was thought that Carl G. Jung was one of the first Westerners to witness the power of the Kundalini in 1932.
Original pieces of jewelry will help you draw the power of each stone they contain and send a wave of energy through your being.
Handcrafted pieces of jewelry which have been imbued with the essence of the Kundalini.
Best of all, they will set you on your way to further enlightenment and fulfilment.