Aquamarine meaning in Latin or its energy is best described as “Water of the Sea”
Interested in diving more deeply into the watery depths of this universally prized Beryl Gemstone? The beautiful and absolutely alluring blue hues of Aquamarine (of course) bring all things oceanic to mind. Its light and ethereal, let emotionally touching. I always encourage gemstone wisdom-seekers to indeed spend even a little time meditating with the stone you have a connection to and see what comes…

Aquamarine gemstone powers!
The Blue-Colored Aquamarine is going to enhance communication, especially communication of the heart. Wear it and use it when desiring to imbue your words with emotional intelligence and clarity, while staying settled very deeply in your heart space.
Its spacious clarity and watery qualities will also be very helpful in the artistic and creative process, bringing inspiration, vision, and emotional depth to whatever you are putting your mind into, activating and harmonizing the subtle energy bodies to manifest the highest vision and truest intent.
Historically it has been used for protection from injury going in to Battle, which tells me it has a certain “Angelic” protective quality…which I personally experience on an archetypal level in being in presence with this magical crystal.
Aquamarine ranges from blue to green and even colorless. I love the energy of colorless carved aquamarine. Here’s more information and descriptions of Aquamarine:

Sometimes almost clear, the mythology is all about water and protective angelic properties